Plenty of times where I will be sitting or lying down and just ponder on all the "what ifs".
- What if I had spent more time studying for the A levels instead of spending all those time daydreaming, going out with friends and whatever it was that I don't even remember doing? (nothing naughty! =P)
- What if I didn't skip that one year to work for the bank?
- What if I chose to just go to UBD and take that road to teaching?
- What if I had not listened to my boss at the bank when he advised me to go take the opportunity to do my further studies instead of wasting my time working where I know in my heart was not meant for me?
- What if I had never joined the ITB BKP and never met my husband?
- What if I had chosen a different career?
Then I realised... I wouldn't have gotten all the other opportunities that I would have never imagined getting in life. Allah SWT knows best after all. Sometimes I take that for granted, I admit. I am only human. Humans tend to take these things for granted. All of Allah SWT's plans are always beautiful and the plans He laid out for us, has been set for us long before we were born.
Then I start to think of the "If Only's".
- If only I had spent most of time doing ibadah..
- If only I made the most out of my time in Mekah & Medinah..
- If only I made the most out of my time in the USA too (3 + years and we didn't manage to go many places)..
- If only I have stayed out of all the negativity in life..
- If only I have started saving up way earlier in life..
- If only I had learnt how to filter out friends way back when...
Then I realised... I am only human =P I make mistakes and for every mistakes, there is a lesson learnt in shaa Allah.