Just goes to show that some people likes to cause a stir in other people's lives.. I just don't get it. I can't see the purpose of such things. Most recently as well, I found out old rumours about someone I care for are still spreading and it just breaks me. How do people have the time to come up with such lies and the time to actually spread it? I barely have enough time to put on my 10 minute facial masks (that I hoard and promised myself will put on at least once a week when I bought the packs. hoarder)!
I honestly can't fathom why some people are highly invested in knowing what is going on with other people's lives... to the point that facts are manipulated so the "stories" to be told to others are more interesting. When many people struggle with mental health issues nowadays, people should be treating others much nicer and be less of a bully. I say bully because spreading rumors hurts. Words hurt too. Although they can't be seen, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
Everyone should really start to mind their own business and just reflect on their own words and actions. Be kinder. The world needs more kind people.
Goodnight or good morning wherever you are <3