This post is not really about my own solution on how to be happy but rather just what I come across when looking it up on google. LOL. So if you're looking for a solution, click the X on the right hand corner or go back to google. Haha
I am always on the look out for all these tips / suggestions on how to be happy. It's funny because I have never really tried to follow the suggestions even after looking them up. Often times I find myself getting sad over the smallest of things, like when seeing the double / triple chin in my selfies. Pfft! Other times its the big things that tears me up.. Things that I can't be bothered to bring up now. Anyways, after much time contemplating (googling "How To Be Happy" LOL), I figure I should actually start slowly.
It's all supposed to start with ourselves, no? We shouldn't rely on others to make ourselves happy. We are responsible for our own happiness. Be grateful for what we have and also for what we don't have.. Allah SWT has a reason why He hasn't given us what we long for, right? He is the best of planners. Syukur Alhamdulillah for everything.
I also find myself always trying to please others even if it means that sometimes I will get hurt in the end. My closest friends would tell me that I let people walk all over me and treat me like a doormat. Its harsh, but true. I get hurt easily, I forgive easily.. but I don't forget so easily. I bruise easily *queue song*. Haha. But in all seriousness, I want to start standing up for myself and learn to say No. Although it's going to be hard, but I think it's time. Life is too short to spend it all on trying to please everyone around me.
LOL. I think I do this alot! I am blessed to have a husband who has a great sense of humour and who will try his best to make me laugh even when situations are tense (sometimes this can be annoying! Sorry, yang =P ) but Alhamdulillah nonetheless.
I have no problem with spending time alone as I get to do almost every mornings til afternoon, though technically not really alone as I am always with Bella. I enjoy my time alone and as much as I love spending time with my husband, I look forward to my "me-time". I know my husband enjoys his too. We all need our "me-time"s. I would just read a book, go on pinterest, catch up on my tv shows, etc.
Oh, there really is no problem with me and sleep. We're really on good terms. I fall asleep easily. One minute I am talking to my husband, next he hears me snore softly. His words, not mine. HAHA. I seriously don't know though how having additional time sleeping will help improve the happiness level but I'm sure it plays a part. =P
Next, it says to be kind. I know we all can attest to this that whenever we treat other people with kindness, we have that warm feeling inside. I think that warm feeling is a sign of happiness. There are many ways to be kind and also many ways to not be un-kind (or mean). I admit sometimes it's so easy to fall to the dark side and unleash the mean-ness in everyone, me namely. But I will sometimes try to snap out of it and remind myself that everyone's fighting their own battles, their inner demons, so why must I add more to it? I had this conversation with someone I'm close to the other day on how sometimes we can't help but just be mean to people who we think may have hurt us, but we also must remember.. Who are we to hold such a grudge to the point that they are all we talk about and speak ill about? It will only consume us. If we are not happy about something, talk it out, confront them, ask them. Don't just pent it up inside until you can no longer hold it and then explode. So please..
The last one for me is a bit difficult. I am still unsure of my purpose here. I see all these successful people who I look up to, who I aspire to be, and I see how they love doing what they do. I am lacking in that, I think. I can get pretty passionate about something for a while and a few months later I will get bored and just quit. This has happened so many times. I really am inconsistent. But In shaa Allah, I will try my best to find a purpose, whatever it may be. And I hope whatever it is, Allah SWT will guide me and bless me on my journey. Aaaamin.
Now, what?
Well.... I haven't really tackled the main obstacle now have I? ...........